Resonance FM 24.1.18

Of course every episode is supposed to be diverse and bonkers and dynamic but I was especially pleased with the breadth of this one... I started and ended the show with two 'outsider music'/'cult' heroes (inverted commas necessary, I guess..), Wild Man Fischer and Shooby Taylor. The former, an institutionalised peer of Frank Zappa's (although I'm not sure how savoury that friendship was, hence the lyrics of 'Frank'); the latter, the inimitable Human Horn. In between was a whole host of global oddities: the stunning voice of Yeshimebet Dubale, the brutal and relentless percussive dance of DJ Save The NHS, the Japanese mambo of Naoyo Matsuoka, a Carling jingle by Lorin Frank Productions Inc (what are the rules on play corporate jingles on independent radio!?) and Dan Armeanca's awesome proto-manele. Regarding that last track - the title translates to 'All The Roma, Mum' and its melody is adapted from this (thanks Alexandra!).

Dig That Treasure (24/1/18)
Wild Man Fischer - Frank
Yeshimebet Dubale - I Remember A Man
DJ Save The NHS - Screaming Song
Naoyo Matsuoka - Mambo Island
Lorin Frank Productions Inc. - Carling Jingle
Dan Armeanca - Sao Roma Daje
Shooby Taylor - Over The Rainbow

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